All Businesses located in Morinville, Sturgeon County, and Bon Accord can be nominated for an award. Criteria for awards are listed below.

Nominations must be entered by September 1st, 2024


    • Haven’t won the award for 3 years.

    • Small business (1 – 5 employees), Medium (5 – 19 employees), Large (20+ employees)

    • Financial Growth: Demonstrated consistent revenue growth.

    • Innovation: Implemented innovative strategies or products/services.

    • Customer Satisfaction: High levels of customer satisfaction and retention.

    • Community Involvement: Active participation in local community initiatives.

    • Employee Engagement: Evidence of strong employee satisfaction and retention.

    • Adaptability: Ability to adapt to market changes and challenges.

    • Leadership: Strong leadership and vision driving the business forward.

    • Open less than 3 years from date of Awards Gala.

    • Innovation: Demonstrated innovative products, services, or business models.

    • Entrepreneurship: Evidence of entrepreneurial vision and initiative in establishing the business.

    • Market Impact: Positive impact and recognition within the target market or industry.

    • Growth Potential: Strong potential for future growth and scalability.

    • Customer Acquisition: Successful acquisition and retention of customers or clients.

    • Financial Performance: Positive financial indicators such as revenue growth and profitability.

    • Social Responsibility: Commitment to social responsibility and ethical business practices from the outset.

  • - Revenue Growth: Sustained and significant revenue growth.

    - Profitability: Consistent profitability.

    - Innovation: New or improved products/services and business models.

    - Customer Satisfaction: Positive reviews and high customer retention.

    - Community Involvement: Local engagement and social responsibility.

    - Operational Excellence: Efficiency and high-quality standards.

    - Entrepreneurial Spirit: Clear vision, leadership, and resilience.

    - Business Ethics: Ethical practices and fair treatment.

    - Marketing and Sales Strategy: Effective marketing and strong sales.

    - Financial Management: Sound budgeting and investment.

    - Scalability: Potential for future growth and expansion plans.

    • Haven’t won the award for 3 years.

    • Longevity: The business has been operating for more than 10 years, demonstrating resilience and sustainability.

    • Generational Succession: Successful transition across generations, maintaining the essence and values of the original business.

    • Community Impact: Positive and enduring impact on the local community over time.

    • Historical Significance: Recognition of the business's historical importance or contributions to its industry or locality.

    • Adaptability: Ability to adapt to changing market conditions and evolving customer needs while staying true to its heritage.

    • Cultural Preservation: Contributions to preserving cultural heritage or traditions within the community.

    • Innovation: Despite its legacy, the business continues to innovate and stay relevant in its industry.

    • Registered Non-profit or local business that gives back to the Community.

    • Community Engagement: Active involvement in community events, initiatives, and charitable activities.

    • Local Sourcing: Preference for sourcing products or services locally, supporting the local economy.

    • Community Partnerships: Collaborations with local organizations, schools, or non-profits to address community needs.

    • Employee Volunteerism: Encouragement and support for employees to volunteer or participate in community service.

    • Environmental Responsibility: Demonstrated commitment to environmental sustainability and reducing carbon footprint within the community.

    • Youth Development: Initiatives focused on youth development, such as mentorship programs or educational sponsorships.

    • Positive Impact: Evidence of tangible positive impact on the community's well-being, economy, or social fabric.

    • Leadership and Entrepreneurial Spirit

    • Innovation in Customer Service

    • Customer Satisfaction

    • Adaptability and Problem-Solving Skills

    • Community Engagement and Social Responsibility

    • Impact on Youth and Community

    • Testimonials and Recommendations from Customers or Peers

    • Demonstrated Growth and Success in Business Operations

    • Innovation: Introduction of innovative techniques, technologies, or practices in agriculture.

    • Sustainability: Demonstrated commitment to sustainable farming practices, environmental stewardship, and resource conservation.

    • Product Quality: Consistently high-quality agricultural products meeting industry standards.

    • Market Penetration: Successful penetration into domestic or international markets with agricultural products.

    • Community Impact: Positive impact on the local community, such as job creation, economic growth, or support for rural development.

    • Research and Development: Investment in research and development to improve agricultural productivity, efficiency, or sustainability.

    • Adaptability: Ability to adapt to changing market conditions, weather patterns, or regulatory environments.

    • No multi-level marketer businesses. Must be homemade, handmade, or homegrown.

    • Been a vendor since May of 2023. Attending at least 5 markets.

    • Product quality and diversity

    • Excellent customer service

    • Innovation and creativity

    • Contributes to the vibrancy of the Farmers’ Market

    • Positive impact on fellow vendors and customers

    • Resilience and adaptability

Congratulations to all of the 2023 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce All-in-for-Business Award Winners.

2024 Business Awards Gala Sponsorship

This year, we are planning an even bigger and more impactful Gala, and your continued support would be invaluable in achieving this goal. Please click the button below for a complete Sponsorship menu, and feel free to call or email if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you in advance for your support of the 2024 Business Awards Gala, and we look forward to working with you to make this year's event bigger and better!